or Shookaite, DJ SKIEL, skielred
20, developer, student
Paris, France

- Degenerate programmer
- Rhythm games enthusiast
- Crazy front-end wizard
- Bots voodoo king
I love arcade rhythm games more than I love anime girls.
Tina, 21st century.
Find me on the Internet you fucking stalker:
- Twitter: @Shookaite
- Discord: Tina#1998 (my server)
- Steam: /id/skielred
Stuff I ❤:
- beatmania IIDX
- Python and PHP
- Hibiki (Kantai Collection)
- Vim
- Atom VS Code but also Brackets
- Every rhythm games*
- Arch Linux Fedora Linux and i3
- LaTeX
- Cats and otters
- Mathematics
- UX designing
- Termux
- CSS animations
(*) Except osu!.
Stuff I don't ❤:
- Python and PHP*
- Carrots and bananas
- Apple Inc.
- Microsoft (except for MSDN)
- Google (except for style guides)
- Things that become popular too fast to be enjoyed
- You
- Your mom
- Your waifu
- "mania style games"
(*) I am in a love-hate relationship with those technologies.
Political opinions:
Vim is better than emacs.
Your waifu is trash.
White haired smug anime girls are better than everything in the world.
SOUND VOLTEX is the new osu!.
Brain Power meme was never funny.
osu! ruins everything.
Recent Ryu☆ songs are good, some are even better than his old songs.
かめりあ x ななひら is a good duo.
東方Project isn't a good game. It only has a lot of potential waifus and is a great source for remixes.
“Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian".”
Unused space isn't wasted space. This website is beautiful.
White themes are easier to read even during the night.
Why are you reading this ? Don't you have more important things to do ?
Rhythm games:
- beatmania IIDX:
- My setup: gamo2's FPS EMP, 27" monitor, standing setup
- Highest clear: SP 11☆, DP 6☆
- I like this game a lot and I want to get better and achieve kaiden.
- 太鼓の達人:
- My setup: custom sticks I made for arcade use , PSP, 3DS, Wii
- Highest clear: おに 10★
- Very easy to learn gameplay, so you can play with friends who never played rhythm games before. The songs are very great.
Please note I also have tools available for playing Groove Coaster, jubeat, pop'n music, Reflec Beat, BeatStream and Dance Dance Revolution at home. However I don't play these games much.
If you are interested in those games and living or visiting Paris: contact me, we can meet up and play rhythm games at my place! If you are not near Paris but still are interested, please contact me (preferably through Twitter but anything is fine) and ask your things!
Nerd things:
- Front-end technologies:
- A lot of self practice
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, tried to learn the "good practices", have read several coding styles, I like Google's one
- Sys-admin:
- A lot of self practice
- Fedora, Debian, SysVinit, Systemd, Apache HTTP Server, NGINX, Linux in general
- Programming:
- Web development:
- Image manipulation:
- Shitposting and editing for personal use
- Photoshop, GIMP, PhotoFiltre, ImageMagick
- API processing:
- Software knowledge:
Thanks for reading all of this ♥! It makes me so happy. Now you can go back to my Twitter or whatever shit website you came from.